Kyosho 1.0mm MP9 TKI4 Hi Down Force "Hard" Lexan Body (Clear)

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Kyosho 1.0mm MP9 TKI4 Hi Down Force "Hard" Lexan Body (Clear)
Price: $35.49
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The Kyosho 1.0mm MP9 TKI4 Hi Down Force "Hard" Lexan Body is 1.0mm thick for durability and features larger winglets in the rear for increased traction.

This product was added to our catalog on May 3, 2016

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Sunday, Apr 29 2018 (about 6 years ago)
Kyosho 1.0mm MP9 TKI4 Hi Down Force "Hard" Lexan Body (Clear)
This is a good body for a nitro version but not a good fit for the electric version. You will have to have a very small esc or have it positioned where the body does not touch it. As for the motor mount there is a small contact mostly on the connections. As for the battery space I run a protek 5600 battery and the body rest on the battery, I feel the amount of space is not safe especially I if you get into an accident your electronics could get damaged. Would not recommend this for electric version. It's best to get the electric body ifb007 or ifb007H.