This outstanding performer carried the firepower of a ...
destroyer, and served for more than 20 years. Conceived in 1944, it made its first flight on March 18, 1945. With its versatility, weight-lifting capacity (5,000 pounds on a carrier mission) and ...
kit. Early in World War 2, the world was stunned by the effective dive bombing tactics of the JU 87 Stuka. First tested in the Spanish Civil War, it went through considerable ...
The small Nieuport 11 biplane was affectionately known ...
as the "Bébé" (baby). The Nieuport was originally designed for racing; this light plane was fast and extremely maneuverable and was the first combat airplane to carry the famed "Lafayette Escadrille" into ...
Nicknamed the “Sweetheart of Okinawa” by the U.S. ...
Marines and “Whistling Death” by the Japanese, the Corsair performed effectively in two years- the Pacific conflict of World War 2 and the Korean engagement of the early 1950’s. The first production ...